Ride Day Details

This information was relevant to the 2024 event. We will update with 2025 details as the event approaches.


100 miles

67 miles

34 miles

17 miles


  • These routes were driven by our team the weekend of July 13-14 and checked for accuracy and any potential issues. That being said, please follow posted signage on ride day in case of any last-minute adjustments.

  • A couple of spots on the RideWithGPS maps may indicate the roads are unpaved. This is false. We have personally checked every mile of the route within the last few days to confirm. This is simply an error with their data.

  • There’s one particular corner in Hamilton that often has our directional sign go missing. We will be painting the route on that one spot as well, so keep your eyes peeled.

  • PLEASE take extra caution when crossing busy roads like M-40 and M-89. And be advised that Saugatuck/Douglas are as busy as every with tourist season.


You need to check-in with us, either Friday evening, or Saturday morning before you ride.

Ridge Point Community Church

  • Friday, July 19, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • Saturday, July 20, 2024 - 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

YES, you can pick up bracelet(s) for others!

Your bracelet will be required for food and support on the course throughout the day. No exceptions.

START/FINISH LOCATION - 2024 confirmed!!

Ridge Point Community Church
340 104th Ave.
Holland, MI 49423


  • Bike

  • Helmet

  • Water bottles

  • Your rider bracelet (if you picked it up on Friday)

  • Change of clothes for post-ride

  • Zip-lock bag for your cell phone, in case of rain

  • Any ‘special’ food or hydration product you prefer. We will have many of the usuals, but if you’ve got your heart set on something specific, maybe pack it along.

  • High-fives, smiles and fist-bumps for our volunteers


We encourage you to make good decisions on Saturday to ensure you finish the ride safe, sound, and smiling*.

A few tips:

  • Start early. The course officially opens at 7:00 a.m. EDT. You can start earlier, but please know you may reach our rest stops earlier than they open.

  • Drink more water than you think you need to. Refill your bottles each time you stop. Consider one bottle with water and the other with Gatorade.

  • Drink before you're thirsty. It's really hard to 'catch up' on hydration once you're behind.

  • Get enough electrolytes and salt in the food you eat.

  • Rest in the shade when you stop for food/drink.

  • If storms pop up, take shelter.

  • Wear sunscreen and re-apply it throughout the day.

  • Listen to your body. If you start to get a little headache or feel some cramps or feel a bit dizzy, take a break to eat and drink.

  • When you get back to the finish, have a chat with our medical staff onsite if you're not feeling right.

Questions about hydration or heat management? Hit us up!

*Safe, sound, and smiling is a term attributed to a JDRF cycling coach from South Carolina, who always used that term the night before rides in Death Valley, CA. We think it's pretty great, and will do everything we can to support you in coming back SS+S as well.


The course officially opens at 7:00 a.m. EDT Saturday morning. If you elect to leave prior to that, you acknowledge that the course is unsupported by SAG at that time, and you may reach the checkpoints earlier than food and beverage are ready.

There are 100, 67, 34 and 17 mile routes. Pick up color-coded maps or tip sheets when you check in, or check them out above. The routes are marked by yellow “HH” signs, with corresponding color flags on the top of each.

  • 100 mile = yellow

  • 67 mile = blue

  • 34 mile = orange

  • 17 mile = white

We ask that more serious cyclists start as close to 7:00 a.m. as possible.

Riders planning to do the 100 mile route must start no later than 8:00 a.m.

All riders must depart by 10:00 a.m.

The course closes at 5:00 p.m., and all rest stops will close at the times posted on the map and pre-ride email.

Rest stops are open the following hours:

  • Bentheim Church: 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • East Saugatuck Church: 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

  • Fenn Valley Winery: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

  • Saugatuck High School: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • Cottonwood Park (water only): 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Leaving the Start Line: As you’re rolling out onto 104th, please pay attention to traffic and to volunteer and police assistants. Thanks!

Take extra care through Saugatuck and Douglas, during this always-busy tourist season and ever-present construction season.

*** Please remember, the Holland 100 takes place on an open course on public streets exposed to traffic. Streets may be Michigan-y (cracks, potholes, chipseal, etc.). You are required to wear a helmet, and to follow the law at all times (obey all traffic signals, ride only 2-abreast). Seriously, we get complaints about this every year, from riders, drivers, neighbors, and more. Be smart, courteous, and follow the law. Please. And thanks.


Tech support will be available at all rest stops, as well as on the road.

Emergencies or injuries requiring medical attention, please dial 911.

Non-emergency questions or requests for tech support, please wave down a SAG vehicle or call us (phone provided in the ride day email) and we'll do our best to dispatch someone ASAP. If you need to contact us for a non-emergency before the event, use ride@holland100.com.


Our traditional pancake breakfast will be available at the East Saugatuck Church stop. At the other stops, we’ll be providing a mix of typical ride foods: PB&J, bananas, pretzels, pickles/pickle juice shots, granola, watermelon, etc. We will provide water and portioned out Gatorade to mix in, if you wish.


Showers are not available. So let’s just all be ‘ripe’ together!

If we've missed anything, please don't hesitate to contact us at ride@holland100.com.